If this bridge is really built it will become new milestone in Indonesian's construction history
(even longer than SURAMADU bridge)
Scope of Project:
Development approach of
Ambon Seram Bridge, for which the length less than 9 Km will be implemented from two points, namely Ambon island and Seram island points made by 2 Contractor. By such work, it is expected that the work can be completed within 5 years (0,9 Km per annual).
Project Feasibility:
By the optimistic approach, total vehicles passing through the bridge of Ambon Seram are predicted per day of 3,250. Such amount is only for the four-wheel vehicles, including two wheel vehicles and passengers. The
price of one crossing for four-wheel vehicles is Rp. 250.000. Accordingly, the obtained income from the four wheel vehicles per year only reaches Rp. 0.2926 Trillion and to amortize investment cost of Rp. 6 trillion requires time less than 20 years. Time to return the said investment can be accelerated if the income of two wheel vehicles can be also used for the return of loan capital.
Project out come:
· People can access transportation between Seram and Ambon islands as the exit main gate of the Province region at any time as it is estimated by sea condition or season.
· Interaction between people of both islands and other islands, such as Buru island and other islands will enhance so that it will give opportunity towards the appearance of business or new investment.
· Some business results have market access, chiefly perishable agricultural commodities.
· Economy growth in the area of Seram island will be increasingly accelerated.
· Expected Impact / Profit
· The connection of Seram and Ambon island Area will give positive impact to Kota Ambon, as business activity competition and space can be minimized thereby stabilizing security condition and minimizing, even it recovers ecosystem of Ambon island.
· Movement context of capital to Seram island becomes irrelevant and if it is made requires higher cost for a longer period time and arise potentially new social KERAWANAN.
· Occurrence of spontaneous population migration to Seram island thereby
· accelerating the growth and development of various social infrastructure facilities.
· Encouragement of new investment, chiefly in the sectors of tourism, hotel, property, land transportation and market.
· Trans road of Seram will be increasingly economically valuable and supporting the development of road trans of new Seram in the route of Tehoru Seram Timur.
· Improvement of Province PAD, Regency or Town available in Seram and Ambon islands.
Estimated Project Cost:
Development cost: Rip. 6 Trillion, time ford development is 5 years.
Financing Strategy
There are some most possible alternatives to do in financing strategy, i.e.:
Alternative I:
· Consortium of Regency Pemda (Kota Ambon, West Seram Regency, Central Maluku and East Seram): 1,2 Km, investment value of Rp.0.78 Trillion or Rip. 39 Billion per year per Regency Area.
· Pemda of Maluku Province: 0,5 Km, investment value of Rip. 0.325 Trillion or 65 billion per year.
· Central Government, APBN managed by Jasa Marga (Ministry of Transportation) 3,5 Km, investment value of Rp. 2.29 T or Rp.457 Billion per year.
· Private Consortium: 4 Km, investment value of Rp. 2.61 T or Rp.522 Billion per year.
Alternative II:
· Loan aid from one Donor Country with low interest and Central Government (ratio 70: 30 or 80:20).
Alternative lll:
· Aid from some Donor Countries in terms of Multilateral and Central Government (Ratio 90:10).
Cooperation :
Central Government, Regional Government and Private Sector.
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